mila kunis

Movie Review: Oz The Great And Powerful

I have finally seen the long awaited Oz The Great and Powerful! This movie has been surrounded by a lot of hype and an all star cast that I was excited to see in a Disney flick. The story was about how the Wizard of Oz came to be the wizard and what he had to do to claim his throne. Overall, I thought it was a good movie. It was beautiful to watch, the overall story was fun, and it kept my attention the whole time. However, I had some major issues with the film:

1. Mila Kunis
Why, Mila, why? I normally LOVE Mila Kunis. In fact, I can’t think of any movie I have ever seen her in that I really didn’t like. However, her acting in this movie was pretty damn awful. For the first half of the movie she was tolerable. The second half of the movie was cringe-worthy. I don’t know if it was her voice, the fact that Mila isn’t scary, or maybe it was the general acting – but something was off and it was actually distracting.

2. James Franco
To be fair, I never like James Franco. Sure, he’s cool in Freaks and Geeks but I just find him to be pompous and annoying in general. The character of Oz is meant to be obnoxious and unlikeable at first but James’ extreme overacting didn’t help. I understand that for Disney, it’s okay to be over the top BUT this was just too much. He was offensive and cannot carry a big blockbuster hit like this.

Other than that, the movie was good! Go see it and let me know what you think!

Take Time To: See A Romantic Comedy

You’ve seen one romantic comedy you’ve seen them all, right??? WRONG. Recently I have seen two romantic comedies, both of which were pretty good. Last week I saw Friends With Benefits starring Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. This week I saw Crazy, Stupid, Love with Steve Carell and Ryan Gosling. Normally romantic comedies are pretty predictable and in a way. Let’s face it… Every rom-com ends with the guy and the girl getting together. That is a fact that will never change. With that being said, the movie can still have some twists and turns that lead up to this predictable ending that are pretty entertaining.

In Crazy, Stupid, Love I was actually shocked during some scenes. Without giving it all away, let’s just say I could not believe the character twists in this film. It made it more than just a typical rom-com. When I saw Friends With Benefits I was almost sure that it was going to be the same exact movie as No Strings Attached. I was pleasantly surprised to see that this movie differentiated itself. Justin Timberlake was pretty hilarious and Mila Kunis is always awesome on screen. There are tons of rom-coms out in theatres right now so take time this week to go catch one!

Have you seen any romantic comedies this weekend? Tell me about it!

Follow me @Caraizzle!

Why The MTV Movie Awards Is Not An Awards Show

Once upon a time, MTV threw some pretty entertaining award shows. No, they are not the most prestigious and they are not to be taken seriously, but it was always fun to watch. The MTV Movie Awards gave those silly teen movies a chance to walk away with a prize instead of the favorites from the Oscars and Golden Globes. However, over the past few years, the MTV Movie Awards haven’t just gotten bad, they have become unwatchable. There is only one thing to blame… One word: Twilight.

Ever since the Twilight phenomenon, every single award has been given to Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. I understand that these awards are based on votes from the viewers, but enough is enough. Even Twilight fans can’t deny the fact that Kristen Stewart is the worst actress on the face of the planet. This year I tried my very best to tune into the MTV Movie Awards but every award Twilight was nominated for, I had to change the channel because I knew what was coming.

They won Best Movie. Best Female Performance, Best Kiss, Best Fight, and Best Male Performance. How could they have won Best Kiss? They were up against Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman from Black Swan– where were all the male voters??? I also can’t believe that Joseph Gordon-Levitt‘s floating fight scene from Inception couldn’t beat out the ridiculousness that is Twilight.

As a complete disclaimer, I have seen maybe 30 minutes from one of the Twilight movies so my hatred for the franchise is blind. I just know that is the majority of the 13 year old girls of America love it so much, I’m sure I won’t. Maybe I’m wrong and I’m just a bitter Harry Potter fan. The moral of the story is, I expected more from you MTV… Shame on you.

Did you watch this year’s MTV Movie Awards? If so, what did you think? Let me know in the comments!

Follow me @Caraizzle!